I'm currently studying biology at Xavier University. I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio - home of ribs, strange chili, Graeter's ice cream, and other artery clogging cuisine. It's probably why I want to be a doctor - to save my family and friends from heart attacks. I have what some might call an unnatural obsession with dogs. I want to travel, because as great as Cincinnati is, I've heard that there are some other cool things out there. I've always had an attraction to Africa, and am very excited to have the opportunity to help.
One Thing I'd Never Travel Without: A spoon in case I find ice cream.
Favorite Thing About Traveling: Haha, trying new food.
Fun Fact: Once caught 73 straight oyster cracker in my mouth.
Favorite Moustache: Freddie Mercury

Hello Kathy and Luke,
Greetings! I work at the nonprofit Generation Rwanda, and I came across an article about your trip in the Google newsfeed for articles about Rwanda that I monitor. The article caught my eye because Generation Rwanda (formerly Orphans of Rwanda) has a history of partnering with students at Xavier. However, a quick internet search led me to your blog, and I see that you're unconnected to our past Xavier crew.
The reason I'm writing is because I saw in the Dayton Daily News article about you two that you want to keep engaged in work for Rwanda. You can find more details on our website, but we're basically an organization that seeks out absolutely the most talented and motivated Rwandan students who don't have the means to go to college. We provide these students with university scholarships, a living stipend, healthcare, and more. We currently have 172 students, and we just accepted our seventh class!
We're not asking you for money with this note - but I thought you might be interested in hearing about our work. If you'd like to learn more, you can see a video of our students on YouTube at youtube.com/generationrwanda. We're also on Facebook and Twitter.
hay hay its the awesome maggie here your niece this blog is awesome
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