Tuesday, March 16, 2010

About Us: Kathy Moebius

I'm currently studying biology at Xavier University. I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio - home of ribs, strange chili, Graeter's ice cream, and other artery clogging cuisine. It's probably why I want to be a doctor - to save my family and friends from heart attacks. I have what some might call an unnatural obsession with dogs. I want to travel, because as great as Cincinnati is, I've heard that there are some other cool things out there. I've always had an attraction to Africa, and am very excited to have the opportunity to help.

One Thing I'd Never Travel Without: A spoon in case I find ice cream.

Favorite Thing About Traveling: Haha, trying new food.

Fun Fact: Once caught 73 straight oyster cracker in my mouth.

Favorite Moustache: Freddie Mercury

About Us: Luke Olson

I just graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio with a degree in philosophy. I hail from the great state of Minnesota, land of the cold air, and can probably give you 57 reasons as to why it's the best state in America (just ask me, I dare you). I was bitten by the travel bug during college, when I studied for a year at an Italian university in Rome. Studying, however, is a euphemism for traveling and eating. I just recently returned from a two-month backpacking trip through the Middle East with three friends. Now, before I go to law school next fall, I want to do something that could make a difference abroad.

One Thing I'd Never Travel Without: A good book, a pair of sandals and some heavy-duty underwear.

Favorite Thing About Traveling: Hands down, the people. Any place can be interesting with a local to show you around.

Fun Fact: Once drank 84 oz. of slushie in 15 minutes so that my boss had to call me "Slushosaurus Rex" for the rest of the summer.

Favorite Famous Moustache: Tom Selleck

Our Route

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